56 Hesse Street
colac VIC 3250


Situated within the heart of the Colac CBD and mere metres from the Princes Highway surrounded by prominent operators, Coles, Aldi & Bunning. Fiducian Financial Services are on a brand new 3-year lease through to June 2027, with no further options. Renewed rental is $41,628 + GST and outgoings per annum indexed to 4% annually and market reviews at option. Tenant is responsible for all outgoings, including land tax on a single holding basis.

Opportunities of this quality and with tenants of this reputation do not transact often, and due to the tenants lucrative ASX listed status you don’t want to miss out on this one.

Contact the exclusive agents below for more information or your inspection today:

Todd McKenna – 0418 391 182

Shannon Hynd – 0499 980 100

Property Details

Property Type - Offices

Floor Area - 105m2

Open Times

Contact Agent to arrange inspection


Contact Details

Get in touch with our team at First National Real Estate Neilson Partners - Narre Warren

Please complete the enquiry form below and we will be in touch shortly

Select the open and fill in your details below, then simply show your ID to Todd at the door